USACE Demonstration of Noncorrosive, Capacitance-Based Water Treatment Technology for Chilled Water Cooling Systems

Link to USACE ERDC ReportTechnical Papers
September 2014
Demonstration of Noncorrosive, Capacitance-Based Water-Treatment Technology for Chilled-Water Cooling Systems : ERDC/CERL TR-14–15

20% reduc­tions in cool­ing tow­er make-up water and 50% reduc­tion in blow-down were achieved at four U.S. Military Bases over a 24 month study peri­od.

Zeta Rod Reverse Osmosis 簡報檔-英文: Foxconn Group, Shenzhen China

Zeta Rods installed in Reverse Osmosis (RO) system | Foxconn Group, Shenzhen, ChinaZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

September 2007
Zeta Rod Reverse Osmosis 簡報檔-英文: Foxconn Group, Shenzhen China
Frigaid Corporation Ltd. — Zeta Rod Distributor for Asia

Zeta Rods installed into a Foxconn Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant in Shenzhen China increas­es per­me­ate rate from 66.6% to 76.4%,  reduces waste­water by 15% and pre­vents foul­ing of RO mem­branes allow­ing for ener­gy sav­ings and increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

click here to link to the Foxconn case study

Biofouling Control in Heat Exchangers Using High Voltage Capacitance-Based Technology

Image of Tomar, Portugal

Zeta Library Collections: Technical Papers
July 2007

R. Romo, M. M Pitts and N. B. Handagama. “Biofouling Control in Heat Exchangers Using High Voltage Capacitance Based Technology” ECI Symposium Series, Volume RP5: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning — Engineering Conferences International, Tomar, Portugal, July 1 — 6, 2007

…Four dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tion case stud­ies are pre­sent­ed in this paper in which High Voltage Capacitance Based (HVCB) tech­nol­o­gy was used to con­trol bio­foul­ing. The appli­ca­tions include an evap­o­ra­tive cool­ing wall in a green­house in Oracle, Arizona; a cool­ing tower–condenser appli­ca­tion in Phoenix, Arizona (study per­formed by Arizona State University under a U.S. Department of Energy grant); a cool­ing tow­er sys­tem using reclaimed indus­tri­al waste water at a wafer facil­i­ty in Camas, WA; and a pip­ing sys­tem for a major util­i­ty plant (Tennessee Valley Authority – TVA) using riv­er water.

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Case Study: Car Wash water recycle biofouling & odor prevention

Mill Valley Car Wash logo

Zeta Library Collections: Case Studies

April 2003
Mill Valley Car Wash water con­ser­va­tion, cost con­trol and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion
Within 60 days, results deliv­ered by the Zeta Rods were sig­nif­i­cant:

• Reduced water con­sump­tion per vehi­cle from 48.75 gal­lons per car (gpc) to 35.51 gpc; a net reduc­tion of 27% per vehi­cle
• 235,000 gal­lons of water saved in 60 days
• 38% drop in the total per vehi­cle wash­ing cost
click here to link to the Mil Valley Car Wash case study

Zeta Rod® biofouling prevention technology drives car wash cost savings

Mill Valley Car Wash logo

Operations Manager Eric Traband: “I’m sold on this [Zeta Rod] sys­tem. What I have now is an odor-free and bac­te­ria-con­trolled envi­ron­ment, I’m using a lot less water, and cut­ting my over­all costs. This sys­tem is a win­ner.”

Within 60 days, results of the Zeta Rod instal­la­tion into the Mill Valley Car Wash were impres­sive:
• Reduced water con­sump­tion per vehi­cle from 48.75 gal­lons per car (gpc) to 35.51 gpc; a net reduc­tion of 27% per vehi­cle
• 235,000 gal­lons of water saved in 60 days
• 38% drop in the total per vehi­cle wash­ing cost

MILL VALLEY, Calif., April 2003 – Car wash Operations Manager, Eric Traband, recent­ly demon­strat­ed to his boss why he had been named a nation­al Car Wash Manager of the Year in 2000. Traband, an 11-year vet­er­an of the indus­try, seized an oppor­tu­ni­ty to help trim his car­wash operation’s spi­ral­ing water costs and, at the same time, deliv­er bet­ter, more effi­cient ser­vice to his grow­ing ros­ter of cus­tomers. Continue read­ing

Zeta Rod systems remove biofilms that shield legionella

Zeta NewsTucson, Arizona:  Zeta Corporation has estab­lished that its patent­ed Zeta Rod® tech­nol­o­gy is anoth­er weapon in the bat­tle against legionel­la. Zeta Rod sys­tems will remove and pre­vent recur­rence of biofilm and asso­ci­at­ed scale that shel­ters legionel­la bac­te­ria inside potable water sys­tems and in cool­ing tow­ers. Continue read­ing

CH2M HILL evaluates Zeta Rod system to reclaim EDR wastewater for the City of Sherman, Texas

CH2M HILLZeta Library Collections: Technical Papers
January 2001
Feasibility Study for EDR Wastewater Treatment & Recovery

The Zeta Rod improved oper­abil­i­ty of the con­ven­tion­al RO treat­ment (rel­a­tive to no pre­treat­ment) although the mech­a­nism respon­si­ble for the observed reduc­tion in mem­brane foul­ing is not well under­stood. Feed pres­sures and WTC were more sta­ble dur­ing Zeta Rod use at 50% recov­ery than with­out its use at 15% recov­ery.”

Click here to link to CH2M HILL Feasibility Study for EDR Wastewater Treatment and Recovery



CH2M HILL evaluates Zeta Rod & GrahamTek RO systems to reclaim EDR wastewater


CH2M HILL, a glob­al leader in full ser­vice engi­neer­ing, con­struc­tion and oper­a­tions, was tasked to find a way to treat the con­cen­trate stream from a water treat­ment plant locat­ed in Sherman, Texas USA. The City want­ed to be able to treat this waste­water in order to reduce sew­er and waste­water plant load­ings, and to recov­er a por­tion of the waste­water as high qual­i­ty water than could be used to increase plant fin­ished water capac­i­ty. Continue read­ing