Operations Manager Eric Traband: “I’m sold on this [Zeta Rod] system. What I have now is an odor-free and bacteria-controlled environment, I’m using a lot less water, and cutting my overall costs. This system is a winner.”
Within 60 days, results of the Zeta Rod installation into the Mill Valley Car Wash were impressive:
• Reduced water consumption per vehicle from 48.75 gallons per car (gpc) to 35.51 gpc; a net reduction of 27% per vehicle
• 235,000 gallons of water saved in 60 days
• 38% drop in the total per vehicle washing cost
MILL VALLEY, Calif., April 2003 – Car wash Operations Manager, Eric Traband, recently demonstrated to his boss why he had been named a national Car Wash Manager of the Year in 2000. Traband, an 11-year veteran of the industry, seized an opportunity to help trim his carwash operation’s spiraling water costs and, at the same time, deliver better, more efficient service to his growing roster of customers. Continue reading →