AIChE Update: New Techniques Tame Biofouling

Biofilm Word CloudZeta Library Collections: Articles

February 2000
AIChE Update: New Techniques Tame Biofouling
Chemical Engineering Progress | AIChE

Biofouling plagues many plants in the chem­i­cal process indus­tries. Ongoing research is focus­ing on ways to con­trol a range of bioor­gan­isms, rang­ing from fun­gi to zebra mus­sels, that can cause these prob­lems. Chlorine Pulsing, Electronic Rods [Zeta Rods], fil­ters, anti-micro­bial coat­ings and corn-based poly­mers are dis­cussed.  Click here to link to the AIChE CEP Magazine arti­cle.

Improving RO Performance with Zeta Rod Systems

Clean RO pressure chamberZeta Library Collections: Case Studies
December 1997
Improving RO Performance with Zeta Rod Systems
After three months, the mem­brane was removed and the ves­sel was seen to be com­plete­ly clean. The mem­brane body, like the ves­sel surface,was com­plete­ly free of bio-film.The removal of biofilm from the mem­brane was evi­denced by a 4.98% increase in the rate of per­me­ate recov­ery, from 77.26% to 81.11%.

click here to link to the full RO mem­brane case study