Zeta Rod Reverse Osmosis 簡報檔-英文: Foxconn Group, Shenzhen China

Zeta Rods installed in Reverse Osmosis (RO) system | Foxconn Group, Shenzhen, ChinaZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

September 2007
Zeta Rod Reverse Osmosis 簡報檔-英文: Foxconn Group, Shenzhen China
Frigaid Corporation Ltd. — Zeta Rod Distributor for Asia www.zetarod.com.tw

Zeta Rods installed into a Foxconn Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant in Shenzhen China increas­es per­me­ate rate from 66.6% to 76.4%,  reduces waste­water by 15% and pre­vents foul­ing of RO mem­branes allow­ing for ener­gy sav­ings and increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

click here to link to the Foxconn case study

Zeta Rod 簡報檔-英文 Formosa Plastics | Nan-Ya Jing Hsin Co-Gen Power Plant

Formosa Plastics | Nan-Ya Jing-Hsin Power PlantZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

September 2007
Zeta Rod 簡報檔-英文 Formosa Plastics | Nan-Ya Jing Hsin Co-Gen Power Plant
Frigad Corporation Limited — Zeta Rod Taiwan Distributor www.zetarod.com.tw

The 10,000 RT cool­ing tow­er at Formosa Plastics Group, Nan-Ya Plastics Jing-Hsin Power Plant in Taiwan uses Zeta Rod sys­tems for foul­ing pre­ven­tion, water con­ser­va­tion, chem­i­cal reduc­tion and enhanced work­er health & safe­ty.

click here to link to the Nan-Ya Co-Gen Plant case study

Biofouling Control in Heat Exchangers Using High Voltage Capacitance-Based Technology

Image of Tomar, Portugal

Zeta Library Collections: Technical Papers
July 2007

R. Romo, M. M Pitts and N. B. Handagama. “Biofouling Control in Heat Exchangers Using High Voltage Capacitance Based Technology” ECI Symposium Series, Volume RP5: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning — Engineering Conferences International, Tomar, Portugal, July 1 — 6, 2007

…Four dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tion case stud­ies are pre­sent­ed in this paper in which High Voltage Capacitance Based (HVCB) tech­nol­o­gy was used to con­trol bio­foul­ing. The appli­ca­tions include an evap­o­ra­tive cool­ing wall in a green­house in Oracle, Arizona; a cool­ing tower–condenser appli­ca­tion in Phoenix, Arizona (study per­formed by Arizona State University under a U.S. Department of Energy grant); a cool­ing tow­er sys­tem using reclaimed indus­tri­al waste water at a wafer facil­i­ty in Camas, WA; and a pip­ing sys­tem for a major util­i­ty plant (Tennessee Valley Authority – TVA) using riv­er water.

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簡報檔-英文: Zeta Rods treat 6000RT cooling tower at Formosa Plastics Nan-Ya Chia-Yi Plant

Zeta rods installed into 6000RT cooling tower at Nan-Ya Plastics, TaiwanZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

September 2005
Formosa Plastics | Nan-Ya Chia-Yi Plant | Zeta Rod Case Study 簡報檔-英文

Frigaid Corporation Limited, Zeta Rod Asia Distributor www.zetarod.com.tw

Zeta Rod sys­tems suc­cess­ful­ly pro­vide water con­ser­va­tion, chem­i­cal elim­i­na­tions and reduc­tions, bio­foul­ing & scale pre­ven­tion in this PVC plant.

click here to link to the Formosa Group, Nan-Ya Plastics Case Study

Case Study: Car Wash water recycle biofouling & odor prevention

Mill Valley Car Wash logo

Zeta Library Collections: Case Studies

April 2003
Mill Valley Car Wash water con­ser­va­tion, cost con­trol and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion
Within 60 days, results deliv­ered by the Zeta Rods were sig­nif­i­cant:

• Reduced water con­sump­tion per vehi­cle from 48.75 gal­lons per car (gpc) to 35.51 gpc; a net reduc­tion of 27% per vehi­cle
• 235,000 gal­lons of water saved in 60 days
• 38% drop in the total per vehi­cle wash­ing cost
click here to link to the Mil Valley Car Wash case study

BP Manufacturing Solutions Reduces Chemical and Filtration Costs at GMPT Flint, Michigan USA

Link to GMPT Flint Success StoryZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

November 2001
BP Manufacturing Solutions reduces chem­i­cal and fil­tra­tion costs, GMPT Flint, Michigan USA

Highlights: Several pos­i­tive out­comes result­ed from the use of Zeta Rods. Because fun­gal growth in the high-pres­sure tanks was elim­i­nat­ed, pro­duc­tion down­time was min­i­mized. The fun­gal reduc­tion reduced main­te­nance costs and improved oper­a­tional effi­cien­cies. Chemical usage also dropped, most notably in anti-foam due to the change in sur­face ten­sion caused by Zeta RodsTM. This anit-foam reduc­tion alone pro­vid­ed an annu­al cost sav­ings of $120,000.

Click here to open Case Study 

CH2M HILL evaluates Zeta Rod system to reclaim EDR wastewater for the City of Sherman, Texas

CH2M HILLZeta Library Collections: Technical Papers
January 2001
Feasibility Study for EDR Wastewater Treatment & Recovery

The Zeta Rod improved oper­abil­i­ty of the con­ven­tion­al RO treat­ment (rel­a­tive to no pre­treat­ment) although the mech­a­nism respon­si­ble for the observed reduc­tion in mem­brane foul­ing is not well under­stood. Feed pres­sures and WTC were more sta­ble dur­ing Zeta Rod use at 50% recov­ery than with­out its use at 15% recov­ery.”

Click here to link to CH2M HILL Feasibility Study for EDR Wastewater Treatment and Recovery



Case Study: Zeta Rods® improve legionella control in steel mill cooling towers

Photo of Nervacero steel mill cooling towers with Zeta Rods suspendedZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

June 2001
Zeta Rods improve legionel­la con­trol in steel mill cool­ing tow­ers

Nervacero steel mill in Vizcaya, Spain uti­lizes Zeta Rods in its legionel­la con­trol pro­to­col, allow­ing for elim­i­na­tion of bio-dis­per­sant and reduc­tion of sodi­um hypochlo­rite by 50%.

Click here to link to full Case Study

Los Angeles Convention Center Environmental Award

Zeta Library Collections: Awards
March 2001

Link to City of Los Angeles LACC Award Announcement

Los Angeles Convention Center Environmental Award : “The envi­ron­men­tal­ly safe result of the Zeta Rod instal­la­tions at the Los Angeles Convention Center has been elim­i­na­tion of scale and cor­ro­sion clean­ing, increased employ­ee safe­ty, reduced water con­sump­tion, longer equip­ment life, and annu­al sav­ings of $50,000.”

AIChE Update: New Techniques Tame Biofouling

Biofilm Word CloudZeta Library Collections: Articles

February 2000
AIChE Update: New Techniques Tame Biofouling
Chemical Engineering Progress | AIChE

Biofouling plagues many plants in the chem­i­cal process indus­tries. Ongoing research is focus­ing on ways to con­trol a range of bioor­gan­isms, rang­ing from fun­gi to zebra mus­sels, that can cause these prob­lems. Chlorine Pulsing, Electronic Rods [Zeta Rods], fil­ters, anti-micro­bial coat­ings and corn-based poly­mers are dis­cussed.  Click here to link to the AIChE CEP Magazine arti­cle.