簡報檔-英文: Zeta Rods treat 6000RT cooling tower at Formosa Plastics Nan-Ya Chia-Yi Plant

Zeta rods installed into 6000RT cooling tower at Nan-Ya Plastics, TaiwanZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

September 2005
Formosa Plastics | Nan-Ya Chia-Yi Plant | Zeta Rod Case Study 簡報檔-英文

Frigaid Corporation Limited, Zeta Rod Asia Distributor www.zetarod.com.tw

Zeta Rod sys­tems suc­cess­ful­ly pro­vide water con­ser­va­tion, chem­i­cal elim­i­na­tions and reduc­tions, bio­foul­ing & scale pre­ven­tion in this PVC plant.

click here to link to the Formosa Group, Nan-Ya Plastics Case Study

Zeta Rod® biofouling prevention technology drives car wash cost savings

Mill Valley Car Wash logo

Operations Manager Eric Traband: “I’m sold on this [Zeta Rod] sys­tem. What I have now is an odor-free and bac­te­ria-con­trolled envi­ron­ment, I’m using a lot less water, and cut­ting my over­all costs. This sys­tem is a win­ner.”

Within 60 days, results of the Zeta Rod instal­la­tion into the Mill Valley Car Wash were impres­sive:
• Reduced water con­sump­tion per vehi­cle from 48.75 gal­lons per car (gpc) to 35.51 gpc; a net reduc­tion of 27% per vehi­cle
• 235,000 gal­lons of water saved in 60 days
• 38% drop in the total per vehi­cle wash­ing cost

MILL VALLEY, Calif., April 2003 – Car wash Operations Manager, Eric Traband, recent­ly demon­strat­ed to his boss why he had been named a nation­al Car Wash Manager of the Year in 2000. Traband, an 11-year vet­er­an of the indus­try, seized an oppor­tu­ni­ty to help trim his car­wash operation’s spi­ral­ing water costs and, at the same time, deliv­er bet­ter, more effi­cient ser­vice to his grow­ing ros­ter of cus­tomers. Continue read­ing

Zeta Rod systems remove biofilms that shield legionella

Zeta NewsTucson, Arizona:  Zeta Corporation has estab­lished that its patent­ed Zeta Rod® tech­nol­o­gy is anoth­er weapon in the bat­tle against legionel­la. Zeta Rod sys­tems will remove and pre­vent recur­rence of biofilm and asso­ci­at­ed scale that shel­ters legionel­la bac­te­ria inside potable water sys­tems and in cool­ing tow­ers. Continue read­ing

Zeta Rod Wins Environmental Award for Los Angeles Convention Center



Tucson, Ariz., April 10, 2002 — After three years of close­ly mon­i­tored per­for­mance at the Los Angeles Convention Center of Zeta Corporation’s Zeta Rod™ sys­tem, the con­ven­tion cen­ter won a city-wide envi­ron­men­tal award and real­ized a three-year accu­mu­lat­ed sav­ings of $150,000.

Image of Zeta Rod System at Los Angeles Convention Center

Zeta Rod System at Los Angeles Convention Center

In mak­ing the announce­ment, Zeta President M. Michael Pitts, Jr, Ph.D. said that the City of Los Angeles Quality and Productivity Commission, after an eight-month eval­u­a­tion process, sin­gled out 20 city depart­ments out of 114 appli­cants for hon­ors in the cat­e­gories of Customer Service, Environmental, Entrepreneurship, E‑Business and Innovation and Creativity.

The Los Angeles Convention Center facil­i­ties staff won the Environmental Award for “the elim­i­na­tion of scale and cor­ro­sion clean­ing, increased employ­ee safe­ty, reduced water con­sump­tion, longer equip­ment life and an annu­al sav­ings of $50,000” in the oper­a­tion of the huge build­ing’s chillers and cool­ing tow­ers. Continue read­ing

BP Manufacturing Solutions Reduces Chemical and Filtration Costs at GMPT Flint, Michigan USA

Link to GMPT Flint Success StoryZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

November 2001
BP Manufacturing Solutions reduces chem­i­cal and fil­tra­tion costs, GMPT Flint, Michigan USA

Highlights: Several pos­i­tive out­comes result­ed from the use of Zeta Rods. Because fun­gal growth in the high-pres­sure tanks was elim­i­nat­ed, pro­duc­tion down­time was min­i­mized. The fun­gal reduc­tion reduced main­te­nance costs and improved oper­a­tional effi­cien­cies. Chemical usage also dropped, most notably in anti-foam due to the change in sur­face ten­sion caused by Zeta RodsTM. This anit-foam reduc­tion alone pro­vid­ed an annu­al cost sav­ings of $120,000.

Click here to open Case Study 

CH2M HILL evaluates Zeta Rod & GrahamTek RO systems to reclaim EDR wastewater


CH2M HILL, a glob­al leader in full ser­vice engi­neer­ing, con­struc­tion and oper­a­tions, was tasked to find a way to treat the con­cen­trate stream from a water treat­ment plant locat­ed in Sherman, Texas USA. The City want­ed to be able to treat this waste­water in order to reduce sew­er and waste­water plant load­ings, and to recov­er a por­tion of the waste­water as high qual­i­ty water than could be used to increase plant fin­ished water capac­i­ty. Continue read­ing

Case Study: Zeta Rods® improve legionella control in steel mill cooling towers

Photo of Nervacero steel mill cooling towers with Zeta Rods suspendedZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

June 2001
Zeta Rods improve legionel­la con­trol in steel mill cool­ing tow­ers

Nervacero steel mill in Vizcaya, Spain uti­lizes Zeta Rods in its legionel­la con­trol pro­to­col, allow­ing for elim­i­na­tion of bio-dis­per­sant and reduc­tion of sodi­um hypochlo­rite by 50%.

Click here to link to full Case Study

Los Angeles Convention Center Environmental Award

Zeta Library Collections: Awards
March 2001

Link to City of Los Angeles LACC Award Announcement

Los Angeles Convention Center Environmental Award : “The envi­ron­men­tal­ly safe result of the Zeta Rod instal­la­tions at the Los Angeles Convention Center has been elim­i­na­tion of scale and cor­ro­sion clean­ing, increased employ­ee safe­ty, reduced water con­sump­tion, longer equip­ment life, and annu­al sav­ings of $50,000.”

AIChE Update: New Techniques Tame Biofouling

Biofilm Word CloudZeta Library Collections: Articles

February 2000
AIChE Update: New Techniques Tame Biofouling
Chemical Engineering Progress | AIChE

Biofouling plagues many plants in the chem­i­cal process indus­tries. Ongoing research is focus­ing on ways to con­trol a range of bioor­gan­isms, rang­ing from fun­gi to zebra mus­sels, that can cause these prob­lems. Chlorine Pulsing, Electronic Rods [Zeta Rods], fil­ters, anti-micro­bial coat­ings and corn-based poly­mers are dis­cussed.  Click here to link to the AIChE CEP Magazine arti­cle.

Biosphere 2: Biofouling and Scale Prevention in CELdek® Wet Wall Evaporative Cooling

diagram of CELdek media functionZeta Library Collections: Case Studies
March 1999
Biosphere 2: Prevention of Biofouling and Scale in CELdek Wet Wall
Bioshere 2 expe­ri­ences dra­mat­ic improve­ment in the clean­li­ness of wet wall CELdek® media with use of Zeta Rod sys­tems. Expected media replace­ment was unnec­ces­sary and the cli­mate wall can oper­ate at peak effi­cien­cy.

Click here to link to the Biosphere 2 Wet Wall Case Study