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Case Summaries, Published Studies, White Papers, FAQ’s, Magazine Articles, Product Specifications, Videos and more…

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USACE Demonstration of Noncorrosive, Capacitance-Based Water Treatment Technology for Chilled Water Cooling Systems

Link to USACE ERDC ReportTechnical Papers
September 2014
Demonstration of Noncorrosive, Capacitance-Based Water-Treatment Technology for Chilled-Water Cooling Systems : ERDC/CERL TR-14–15

20% reduc­tions in cool­ing tow­er make-up water and 50% reduc­tion in blow-down were achieved at four U.S. Military Bases over a 24 month study peri­od.

Frequently Asked Questions: Zeta Rod Home Water Conditioning Systems

Link to Water Conditioning for Home, Pool & Garden

Zeta Library Collections: FAQ’s

What is a Zeta Rod® System for Home Water Conditioning, and is it afford­able? The Zeta Rod® green tech­nol­o­gy offers a high­ly eco­nom­i­cal and envi­ron­men­tal­ly sound method of water con­di­tion­ing that uses the phys­i­cal and elec­tro­chem­i­cal effects of elec­tro­sta­t­ic fields to dis­perse bac­te­ria and nano-crys­tals that form biofilm and scale. A Zeta Rod sys­tem will nor­mal­ly pay for itself in chem­i­cal sav­ings (salts), water con­ser­va­tion (no back-flush­ing) and main­te­nance over a peri­od of months rather than years.
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Case Study: TVA Cooling Water Conservation Project

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) LogoZeta Library Collections: Case Studies
July 2013
TVA Cooling Water Conservation Project

Abstract:  Zeta Rod® Water Management Systems were select­ed to be uti­lized as the water treat­ment sys­tem of choice for the recir­cu­lat­ing open-loop chillers, heat exchang­ers and cool­ing tow­ers for the two HVAC Central Plants at a U.S. Government Data Facility in the Southeastern United States. The pur­pose of the sys­tem was to deliv­er sig­nif­i­cant water con­ser­va­tion while pro­tect­ing crit­i­cal cool­ing equip­ment in a man­ner con­sis­tent with a well man­aged tra­di­tion­al chem­i­cal water treat­ment pro­gram. The Zeta Rod sys­tem was includ­ed as part of an Energy & Water Conservation Project imple­ment­ed by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

  • 22% less make up water used
  • 65% less waste water sent to the sew­er
  • 5.8 Million gal­lons of water saved dur­ing the first year

Click here for full Case Study: TVA Cooling Water Conservation Project 

Zeta Potential: A Complete Course in 5 Minutes

Zeta Potential definitionZeta Library Collections: Reference Materials

February 2025

Zeta Potential: A Complete Course in 5 Minutes
A nifty paper pre­pared by Zeta-Meter, Inc. , mak­er of instru­ments that mea­sure elec­trophoret­ic mobil­i­ty and zeta poten­tial in aque­ous flu­ids.

Click here to link to the zeta poten­tial ref­er­ence paper


City of Tucson Crime Lab LEED® Gold: Cooling Water Conservation

City of Tucson Forensics Crime Lab - WSM ArchitectsZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

March 2012
City of Tucson Crime Lab: Enhanced Water Conservation, Chemistry Reduction and Re-Use Opportunities for Open Loop HVAC Water Treatment

The appli­ca­tion of a Zeta Rod Water Management pro­gram allowed the Crime Lab to earn the LEED point under Water Efficiency and Innovation in Design. In par­tic­u­lar, a mea­sur­able non-reg­u­lat­ed water use sav­ings that is at least 10% of the total cal­cu­lat­ed base­line design (166,000 gal­lons for the Crime Lab) for reg­u­lat­ed (fix­tures) water use is eli­gi­ble for an exem­plary per­for­mance ID point under WE Credit 3.  This project con­ser­v­a­tive­ly doc­u­ment­ed sav­ings of  674% of the base­line cal­cu­la­tion for an annu­al total of 1.1 mil­lion gal­lons.

click here to link to the Crime Lab first sea­son project sum­ma­ry