Improving RO Performance with Zeta Rod Systems

Clean RO pressure chamberZeta Library Collections: Case Studies
December 1997
Improving RO Performance with Zeta Rod Systems
After three months, the mem­brane was removed and the ves­sel was seen to be com­plete­ly clean. The mem­brane body, like the ves­sel surface,was com­plete­ly free of bio-film.The removal of biofilm from the mem­brane was evi­denced by a 4.98% increase in the rate of per­me­ate recov­ery, from 77.26% to 81.11%.

click here to link to the full RO mem­brane case study

Solids Control in Solvent Extraction Circuits Using Electrostatic Dispersion

Zeta Rods Inserted into Solvent Extraction Piping

Zeta Library Collections: Technical Papers

February 1992
Solids Control in Solvent Extraction Circuits Using Electrostatic Dispersion
Morris Michael Pitts, Jr.
Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc.
Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ February 1992

Elevation of sur­face charge den­si­ty on col­loidal par­ti­cles in the pres­ence of a high poten­tial elec­tro­sta­t­ic field is demon­strat­ed as a viable tech­nique for pre­vent­ing the accu­mu­la­tion of solids in sol­vent extrac­tion cir­cuits. This tech­nique per­forms with­out intro­duc­ing com­pounds that poten­tial­ly inter­fere with kinet­ics or with phase sep­a­ra­tion.

click here to link to the SME Technical Paper