Zeta Nanocera strategic alliance announced

Nanocera & Zeta logosJune 10, 2016
Tucson, Arizona —  Zeta Corporation and Nanocera are pleased to announce the for­ma­tion of a strate­gic alliance co-mar­ket­ing sus­tain­able prod­ucts and tech­ni­cal ser­vices to indus­try.  The two com­pa­nies will com­bine devel­op­ment efforts in key indus­tri­al mar­kets where cus­tomer pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty inter­ests over­lap.  Principals at both com­pa­nies have been inter­est­ed in a col­lab­o­ra­tion for sev­er­al years and look for­ward to pro­mot­ing the alliance.

Nanocera offers lead­ing edge, envi­ron­men­tal­ly advan­taged con­ver­sion coat­ing tech­nolo­gies, which pro­vide supe­ri­or cor­ro­sion resis­tance and paint adhe­sion, elim­i­nate dam­ag­ing phos­phates and reg­u­lat­ed heavy met­als, and sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce total oper­at­ing costs, includ­ing low­er ener­gy and water usage.

Zeta Corporation man­u­fac­tures and mar­kets Zeta Rod® sys­tems, which sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve water and ener­gy con­ser­va­tion, opti­mize the per­for­mance of indus­tri­al flu­ids, reduce water treat­ment chem­i­cal usage, and con­trol scale and bio­log­i­cal foul­ing in water sys­tems.

For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Blair Imbody
(520) 909‑0168

Carolyn B. Pitts

BP Manufacturing Solutions Reduces Chemical and Filtration Costs at GMPT Flint, Michigan USA

Link to GMPT Flint Success StoryZeta Library Collections: Case Studies

November 2001
BP Manufacturing Solutions reduces chem­i­cal and fil­tra­tion costs, GMPT Flint, Michigan USA

Highlights: Several pos­i­tive out­comes result­ed from the use of Zeta Rods. Because fun­gal growth in the high-pres­sure tanks was elim­i­nat­ed, pro­duc­tion down­time was min­i­mized. The fun­gal reduc­tion reduced main­te­nance costs and improved oper­a­tional effi­cien­cies. Chemical usage also dropped, most notably in anti-foam due to the change in sur­face ten­sion caused by Zeta RodsTM. This anit-foam reduc­tion alone pro­vid­ed an annu­al cost sav­ings of $120,000.

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